..I think the most difficult job is to get things done from others,or when we are dependent for a certain job or work to be finished..last week I had been yelling and calling every other person..different kinds of people..
Bob jerkins ..a guy I had been calling to get the job done..comes out with every other excuse..no wonder..why last name is JERK-ins..
Phone companies another A..***** S..waiting for the technician ..from 8am to 12 pm..came at 2pm..
I think I never yelled so much ..at anyone ..or wasted my time getting tiny jobs done ..
I have a deadline to get things done..but my time is running....
Suppliers in India..call these samples but never responds to an e-mail...or reply any calls...the calling time given is weird ..after 12am US time,which is supposedly morning in India..or early morning as per eastern time...I called ,luckily got the number...after hearing five minutes bhajan kirtan on his cell ,he responded (weird) .....I talked to him..there was lot of background noise,he said.. we have a function at home ...barely minimum I couldn't understand the conversation..so he said will send me an e-mail..which I never got till date..seems like people are very busy..for social reasons...seems like they don't need American dollars now..India is getting rich...
God Bless My Country!
Everything takes an effort,depending on other people is a CURSE especially when hours are wasted waiting to get simple things done!
..Jerks are all around world ,only varieties and nationalities are different...
:) I have ahd this experience with Indian suppliers, I dont do business with them anymore..
"Kar diya ji"
"bhej diya ji"
"Ship kar diya"
this and that and more.. and the worst is You ask for 3 sets, they will send 1 then the second and then 3..
never all together.. I have given up all together.. my hair gone white :) Given it all to my Brother now.. his headache..
But yeah waste of time NOT GOOD...
some times how much ever we try we cant get things done in time..
we are unwillingly dependent on so many people.. am sure u'll find a way out of this and get your work done in time..
Come on, it is not so badin India.
@Bk chowla
no Sir India is not bad at all ..jus some jerks ,I believe ..which are in US also n all over the world spoil things..nothing personal plz..
What exactly happened.
u seemed to be angry,gussa nahi..
getting work done in india is difficult for us living in india too,we have to get them from home ..log thode lazy hain..yeh Amrica nahi hai ,Aur NRIs ki toh yeh band baja dete hain.
nice post n bst of luck dear for your work it will be done before time!
Atleast Jerk(s) gave u a good topic to write about. :)
Jerks r everywhere,yesterday while driving an oldie opened the window and hooted ...F**** up
..world is full samples ,I think its difficult to accept truth,and people think this as a topic to discuss,its only when you come across a situation u realize what kind of people are there!
(for a comment given above)
It's very true especially in the case of service providers...
@ bikram..u r rgt buddy..thats how it goes.. I had a similar experience with a supplier from india.
its lot of work.. but I got some from chicago n new york.. that will work better....thanks.
@UMA. thanks dear..so sweet of you. appreciate it.
@anonymous..nothing people like suppliers in India r lazy..or jus laid back attitude..they dont respond to calls or emails...
@anonymous..ok got ya..n thanks
@chandrika..yup..experiences in life makes us write..
@zeenu..GURL..world is..made up of samples no doubt.. yup..good or bad situations makes us learn..
@ramanan..yes u r rgt..thanks.
Sorry I'm curious what can you usually get from these suppliers ... I mean why would one need them ..
@anonymous..I work for fashion industry... and we usually need suppliers all over from the world..targeted countries r china ,india,bangladesh pakistan ..or srilanka .....we have our indian suppliers in america too .. dealing in clothes and accessories..
most of the best collection comes from India..in designer wear..so I personally target indian fashion industry..
hope its gives an ans to ur ques..
Yes thanks, do you do it on your own? That'd be pretty darn difficult as well I assume.
no..its a team work..I just make a final selection ...its not that difficult...
you wanna do some business make some US dollars? e-mail..Sehajc@gmail.com
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