Saturday, April 2, 2011


..We Won the World Cup Cricket...after 28 was an Awesome win!!
.....I jus cant express my happiness..I Danced at every boundary..I got chills at every wicket down....and Tears trickled down when I heard people cheering Vande Mataram for the country!
I am proud of India  ...It was a well deserved win... Indians all over the world are congratulating each other....

Such a charismatic play, on the other hand  so much boost from the crowd was worth watching from five thirty am to one forty pm....

Thanks to all the country men and players..keeping up the flag high
Congrats N
God Bless!


Writing Buddha said...

For such a big moment, the length of the blog post is a surprise.. plz read my post too on the same topic -

#383rd BLOG - India's struggle of 28 years end 4 WC -

Thinking said...

hmmm....Congratulations...really India Cricket Team worked so hard and they deserve the trophey....

Tanvi said...

Congrats to you too!!! Really a moment which can't be described in words :)

♡ from ©

Amrit said...

I saw the match. It was an awesome match

Anonymous said...


The Beautifier said...

Congratulations to the entire Indian team and thank you so much for bringing this great honour to all of us Indians!

We are all proud of you!

Bikram said...

Yes we won casue we played the best cricket.
and thanks to everyone of the team members who played with responsibility and gave there best ...



Gaurav said...

I hope this feeling of pride stays forever.

Jack said...


Finally I made it here and read all current and some older posts too. Overloaded is really an eye opener. What risks we put out children to? One should always have compassion for fellow beings who are less fortunate but also be wary of fakes. I always say do not give alms but do something to empower the needy to be self reliant. We should always be grateful to God for all we have. One should pray in whatever way one wants but let the heart be pure. Holi is good if played sensibly but some miscreants take advantage of this to indulge in extremes. God once asked a very pious man as to what does he wish in reward. The man asked to enable him understand women. God told him that after making eve, God also is not sure as to what goes on her mind. There was an write up in Reader's Digest ( if my memory is correct ) Life is like that, a girl said her grandfather was an excellent cook for outdoor cooking. She once laid her hands on his recipe book to see that each recipe began in the same manner - To begin with pour 2 large whiskeys in the cook. It was a nail biting match, played well by each one.

Take care

bollywoodstylediaries said...

yay!! Go India! This is so awesome!

Shabby said...

congrats! India! I'm glad you got to dance...

Sh@s said...

Congrats! Ya, it was such an emotional moment :) said...

@abhilash..Thanks...I waz so happy that time when India won..I wanted to write something short and the length couldn't go beyond ....I read your post..its awesome..all details and analysis! :)

@thinking..thanks dear!

@tanvi....yep..truly a Cricket

@A...thanks!...according to you ..match was postponed for two weeks(i read your comment on tanvis post)..then it hit me that was april fool :)

@Asma khan..thanks! a great honour for india..our players made this happen!

@Bikram...Yayyyyyyyyyyyy ..We won!
Dhoni, Yuvraj.. harbhajan...10 dulakar..
I was so scared of "malanga"I kept asking my hubby is his hair real?or cap he is wearing... he was so tensed (my hubby) kept on saying we are not discussing his hairstyle at this moment!

@Jack...thanks..I am really honoured by these comments you have given and time spent on my blog.

@@gaurav...yes..India should keep us proud of themselves always!

@Bollywood...yes..Congrats to you as well! opportunity to celebrate!

@Shas..yes..very emotional yet fulfilling!

Irfanuddin said...

the most important thing about it was the whole country came so close and united.... :)