Sunday, December 23, 2012

Delhi high alert (crime and molestation)

..Capital of India is at high alert nowadays .. major area in crime..
most of you know what happened and those of you who don't know check this link out
Indian women sexually harassed by eve -teasing is very common.. lewd remarks ..crowded buses men howling at women is also common.. child abuse is also heard and seen,,, Indian men seem to be sexed up no manners no fear of law ....  .. and laws in india are not hard .. as in western countries ..if caught its serious offence  ..women's rights are very strong..laws are with women..but if we talk about india..laws are there but not implemented ..culprits move very freely with small amount of bribe they are left out...
The girl who had this mishap in Delhi (my heart goes out for her) was left on the road naked...and people dint happen to pick her up or inform police .. today that same public is marching and slogans all over....
Shame ..!!
This Med school student dint know when she climbed the bus what is coming to her.. these guys who raped her ..are Demons ..brutes ..they should be hanged .."hanged to death"no mercy ..
please people stand up and get the justice for the girl.
.. india suffers from
*no fear of law
*dowry system
..its always a worst happening when indian gov gets up ultimately other wise half of the nation is sleeping or copying western world ..  ..
if they want to copy the west ..
copy hard work and working system
copy hiring and firing system
copy the hard laws..
copy.. the super laws made to protect women

Crime happen everywhere in world But ..justice is always there for the victims ..As for in india ..justice  takes years .. and" when justice is delayed. Justice is denied"
I would ask all Delhi Bloggers ..where are you? put your hands up and ask for justice for this girl
reach the media .. help the victim
we need justice..
"hang them to death"


Renu said...

good questions? have rightly said about what we should copy...

and I think every time something wrong happens, people must get up and protest, every time there is a crime against woman, we must cry for justice, not for only this case..

Bikram said...

sad sad state of affairs .. not jus the rapists but imagine she laying on the road and all the people driving past not giving a damn and some who stopped were there to see ..

such sad state

Jack said...


It is only after such crime that there is hue & cry with lots of public demonstrations but let us search our heart how many of us would have dared to come to her rescue if any of us was there at that time or even having remotely guessed it at that time would have called up the police to tell them? Hardly any as we all feel why should I as it does not concern me. Shame on all of us. We talk so much about corruption but how many of us refuse to pay to get something done urgently or avoid being booked for traffic violation? How many of us use our right to vote judiciously? It is the mindset which needs drastic change and not just aping west for what we can derive pleasure.

Take care

Rahul Bhatia said...

Very sad plight, Harman and a blot on our system:( said...

very true .. not only this case.. respect begins from home and the values given at home.
copy only the best ignoring the rest .. said...

its very sad,, its disgusting! said...

its very sad uncle..
I shiver when I think about all this ,think about the girl who has gone through all this.. values and preaching's start from home..
people who have no respect for women should not be spared! said...

Rahul.. its very sorry state ..india needs to gear up with their system n relaxation on that!

Noopur said...

When I think my body stats paining... no one can ever estimate what pain she have went through...
Though she suffered..still she wished to live.. Hats of to her..and may GOD bless her soul!!
YOU can read my lines I've wrote for her...


The Beautifier said...

I have has sleepless nights thinking about that victim girl's plight and ill heart goes out for her and her family....
WE’RE ALL RESPONSIBLE! We choose to ignore anything wrong that is happening around us unless it directly involves us. We choose to treat others like inanimate, useless objects. We choose to judge others because of what they wear or what they do for a living. We are the country with the biggest human trafficking industry in the world. For people who think when a woman gets raped it’s her fault, “she asked for it because she was wearing a skirt,” children are raped. Using your wise logic, you might want to explain how a 5-year old asked for it. Rape is more than just about sex. It’s about power! It’s about control! It’s about forgetting than you’re a human being and transforming into a monster! It’s about people who think they can do anything they want! It’s about people who have no respect for life or humanity!
Every person, for that matter every living creature deserves respect. Next time you insult and take out your anger on your subordinates, remember one thing they will go and take it out on someone they think is harmless and weaker than them. The cycle will go on until someone is beaten up at home or raped on a street or bus. Everyone wants to feel like they’re powerful.
The interesting thing that was a result of this act of bestiality was that people got together. The government may not have paid attention but there is something called shared responsibility. Instead of feeling like our efforts and anger are futile, I think we should work on making sure that this does not happen again, even if the government does not provide protection for women. I hope everyone remembers the education campaign from the 1980’s and 90’s, “Each one teach one"!!!

Alka Gurha said...

True justice delayed is justice denied. And this breeds more crime.

Haddock said...

They say they can make charges only against 5.
I say punish the five and leave the 6th one to the public. The ire of the public will give the fitting punishment.
Bah.... Minor they say..... said...

its very sad! said...

its sad! said...

its very sad sonali .. I m still very upset ..
I agree with you .. said...

very well sad!
I wud go for that !!