Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Swine Flu...

Yes..the other day...I was watching news and came to know..that swine flu has reached India and many kids have been admitted in the hospital....these kids came here to USA for NASA research and got contaminated.... its bad,pathetic.... but the surprising part was that they showed up the kid and the parents too unlike US..media......
No they never reveal here ..or show any pictures here of people who r suffering ...they keep it a secret here,so that there is no panic...and only number of people are revealed...
Yes,here schools were closed for three days..to sanitize the area as one kid got swine flu ,from a kid who went to Mexico ...but it was kept secret ...who the child was ?and told to keep kids at home until further information...these messages were sent to thousands of houses through automated message systems... ..
the best part to keep swine flue away as told here..in USA...is wash your hands frequently...and stay away from common colds or people effected ..

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