Tuesday, November 23, 2010

etiquettes 101

Thanksgiving this Thursday, gearing up for some parties as well as corporate lunches...
A popular saying   "Manners maketh man."off-course women too...
keeping in mind before heading for corporate lunches!

Booze patrol...
  • try to keep the drink in control ,usually two glasses of wine is sufficient unless the host compels...try holding the glass from bowl rather then stem...it avoids spilling..and gives a good look!

eating etiquette..
  • there should be no noise in the plates while eating or using silverware...try to avoid meat with bone and stick to boneless stuff...no slurping at all.... and if Boss is paying for the lunch ..try keeping a tip individually folded on the table near your plate...a dollar will be good!
  • The fork is held in the left hand, the knife in the right to cut food and to help carry food to the fork. The fork is held, tines down, and the knife used to move food unto the fork or support food so the fork can pick it up. There is no shifting of cutlery.
  • On arrival in a restaurant or at a formal function give your coat to the waiter, never hang it on the back of your chair. If in doubt ask your host(ess).
  • When you wish to use the toilet, excuse yourself and leave quietly. Do not ask people where they are going if they excuse themselves :)

Things you should not do:-
  • Never chew with your mouth open.
  • Never talk with food in your mouth.
  • Never put too much food in your mouth.
  • Never mash or mix food on your plate.
  • Do not blow on hot food or drink.
  • Do not sip from a coffee spoon or teaspoon.
  • Never use your fingers to push food onto your spoon...(bad manners )

Now Moving towards holiday season with lot of parties around the corner..Thanks giving...just a week away with black Friday (so much fun) and then Christmas and new year in the end...So all excitement  for shopping and parties....
Few tips on Men's wear!!
Most of the time I notice..Men in ugly wears..or no dressing sense!! either the wife doesn't notice or the Guy is stubborn! either way!!
very few in the crowd have a perfect ten....one or the other thing is ignored or lack time says...its A okay!!
nope guys...its always a mark of respect for others when dressed appropriately for an occasion..if its a party, it has to be formal dressing even at somebody place..its a thumb rule!! no tees or denims...its looks ugly ..spoils the ambiance of the party.."not cultured"..it represents!!
1)Shoes...one of the most neglected part of men's wear...most of the time its mismatched..
..formal dressing requires ..formal shoes...with suits and dress pants..
don't go for pointy toes...unless you have to do Cha-cha-cha on dance floor...
square or round toes looks better then anything else!Cl arks (england) or Aldo (Italian) are very good for formal dressing...black or brown color depending on the suit!dont buy dual color (its available)looks funny..even ankle length should be avoided..anything simple with classic cut looks more trendy!
2)socks..don't wear..printed socks...jus solid color that goes well with trousers, printed looks cheap..
3)pants...Dress pants pleated or flat front...depending on physique...Lean bodies should wear flat fronts ..but if you have beer belly ...wear a pleated one it camouflages the abdomen area!!..Cuffed pants look better for formal dressing with pleats..then regular dress pants....the fit should be perfect !!
4) belt..the belt should be thin instead of wide  specially kept for formal dressing ,no big giant buckles...jus plain seamless belts ..only fancy with logos look good on denims ..
5)Shirt...Button down collard shirt with tie or if without tie then a formal silk scarf on the neck ...if you want to avoid both then wear a shirt with band style small collar underneath a suit...which looks formal...or very small collard shirt giving a tuxedo look!But formal!!
 Cuff links...they look good ...if its a banquet hall party...more gathering...its stands out!
6) Tie..don't go for conventional designs like stripes or dots ..something in solid  with contrast color..like try wearing a silver tie with black shirt,or something like orange tie with  brown shirt or olive green with beige shirt... make it contrast with lighter color shirts which compliments the coat...Bold pattens on ties give a festive look...depending on age and style to carry!!(paisley or abstract patterns are in vogue)
Knot...the tie knot should be a double knot ..which looks trendy...with a dimple :)
7)Coat... I would say depending on physique... tall and lean people go for three button coat its looks smart ,a two button as per the comfort...Always get a suit advice from an expert (available in stores) for a perfect fit.
 Bold colors in suits or contrast looks good too but it depends on age and physique...again..similar color in suit gives a lean look rather then contrast..
bold colors or stripes or anything jazzy should be for an age appropriate ....that's more for college going or university students or prom parties ...so be wise in choosing colors and co-ordinating it well!!

Hairstyle...neat and clean with gelled look for evening wears...short and crisp lines...and good  altitude with a pleasant and courteous smile... which reflects the confidence and a radiant personality!


Amrit said...


Cool practical tips. I don't wear tie because not required at our parties anymore.

Also good casual shirts do...Jacket matching with trouser colors

Bikram said...

Will do so MAM!!!


Anonymous said...

Great Post... very apt for the season... (which BTW most of your posts always are!)

a couple other pointers:

* If going to a party with a date... Girls please your guy's arm when walking into a party... it looks very elegant and shows respect for each other... My mom & dad till date walk into every party like that... and trust me they always make heads turn...

* please try to color-coordinate your dresses... men with the color of the shirt or tie... it looks so much graceful...

* and very important... please have at least one dance with your wife/significant other...

Remember, these parties are to have fun... and to steal those precious moments that we normally forget in our busy lives...

I've seen my mom & dad do these for years and at this age they are still as much as in love with each other as they were the day they got married!! - simple pointers make relationships so much better!!

Harman, sorry to "crash" your post!

Writing Buddha said...

waah... what to say on this. ;-)

hamaarethoughts.com said...

@Mannat..So sweet..I really like the pointers!! I dont mind the CRASH :)
Couple dance is so much fun but the steps should be similar..with confidence..
yep..enter the party with holding hands like on red carpet...it makes heads turn..YO..

nice one.mannat..God bless!!

dr.antony said...

Wow..it would be boring if every one did so!

hamaarethoughts.com said...

..@A...ya..it needs to be formal ...or as per the dress code required!

@bikramjit...:) thanks


@Dr anthony...ha haaa..everyone? if you find at least 10% dressed up like this in a party..it would be appreciable..
Men wear...most neglected part!