Tuesday, January 18, 2011


...recently I had been hearing lot deaths due to negligence or ignorance of health ....its very common in Indian community in US not to see a doctor unless there is a serious problem....its like even if the insurance pays for it..Annual Checkups are for a reason ...its mandatory but people take it lightly,but  then when the time comes its full n final...
I recently heard an Indian women in early sixties ..died ..she had prolonged stomach ache ....and finally decided to have to have checkup thoroughly BUT it was too late...the cancer had spread all over her body  and her days were numbered ...she was moving from one hospital to another ...but nothing could help they said its too late!!..the end came just two days back...and it was very sad..everybody was repenting...but it was too late!
..such carelessness for health ? self medications another health hazard,not visiting doctor or any annual checkups..why? ignoring eye exam or dental ..is nothing but inviting problems in future!
"prevention is better then cure"...
There is always a reason ...that they send letters at home when annual checkups are due! reminders on phone too ,to make an appointment...all annual checkups are covered by major insurances..even if its not, insurance can be purchased or annual checkups can be done by paying upfront ...health is more important then money..after all we earn for what? its for good and healthy life!
 The maintenance also includes all this with gyms and  fashion...The idea of check-ups usually doesn't sync with most of the people ...when we talk of doctor's..most of the people say..in olden days no check -ups were there and people still lived BUT then think life expectancy was not more then sixty or so....and people in early forties or thirties had many health problems....
In today world where we have Internet and so much awareness ,why ignorance of health??


Love2cook Malaysia said...

Hi Harman, greetings from Malaysia! :D

Very informative blog with lovely posts! :D

Uma said...

i agree with you, but even i avoid visiting doctors..specially dentists..

Bikram said...

HEalth is WEALTH i beleive in.. and i make sure i remain healthy .. I have not been to a doc for a major reasons for yearssssssssssss now and touchwood to that..

annual chaecks are good, but I also say too much knowledge is bad too, Recently i had a fall at office and taken to hospital, where they did blood test and came with result , which has sort of given me tension even though the doc says its nothing to worry..

well if its nothing t worry then WHY TELL ME .. now its at the back of my mind.. Cholestrol levels..

yeah prevention is always better for sure , thats the reason I keep myself fit and fine, exercise and in my job we wwalk so much each day .. but i guess i got to look at my diet .. no mroe indian foood with spices and butter yummy :) he hehehe


Amrit said...

I agree that prevention is better and a lot of Indians ignore it. But I began to question it recently. I have been going for annual checkups every year. My annual checkup only includes looking at the blood report and blood report tells something but not everything. If I have anything serious, I am not sure blood test will detect it.

Also doctors send reminders because they want to make money - annual examination is their best source of money - not because they really care.

Whenever I fall sick here, I had to learn a lot about the problem to ask doctors specific questions and specific issues to look for. Unless I did that, problem was not diagnosed.

Anonymous said...

People have this fear that if they go see a doctor they are bound to be prescribed with a bunch of medicines and doctor's just going to force them to take those meds... what they forget is that it's not beneficial for the doctor but for them!!

I often hear people saying regular checkups are a scam for doctors to make money. Medical in Canada is FREE and people still don't go consult... they'll tough it out but not realize that it might get too late.

hamaarethoughts.com said...

@love2cook..thanks dear..its a lovely blog ..you have and all lovely pictures!!
its amazing !!out of the world..thanks for sharing!!

@UMA..Dentist..why? I have it twice a year..cleaned and checked...its scary thou lol

@Bikram..Buddy..its not good to avoid annual checkups...how do you know your healthy?
its not too mch knowledge its awareness...Cholesterol levels are usually high among Indians as our diets consist of Curry's ..I had similar problem ..two yrs back ..But regular gymming helped me!!
Doctors...I must say you shld have one doctor at home to consult or a relative ..coz..their advice is unbiased...which works...we do that!!

hamaarethoughts.com said...

@A...Blood reports tells us most of the things..all levels,triglycerides,hemoglobin...and many others...But annual checkups also includes a physical checkup for men ,women and kids,its yearly...which shows a general health condition...for women its more detailed!!
Doctors if they send us reminders its good for us to visit and get us examined once a year even if they are making money ...it helps us too COZ we come to know where we need to control!!
when we fall sick ,its our duty to tell doctor whats bothering us ,and then he has to diagnose ,reports and other stuff..there is sometime a negligence from doctors too...but always go for a second opinion...
I always Google my health problems if I have see the reason to this...then I make an appointment..
But Annual checkups are MUST!!!

@blogger girl..its the fear..not to visit a doctor,as something might come out in disguise or getting an appointment is a big hassle for some..
But negligence might be serious!!

bollywoodstylediaries said...

Totally agree with the post. If we dont take care of urself, who will?

Anonymous said...

nice post....
but frankly speaking I don't like going to doc especially dentist its scary i hate it coz I am a dentally challenged person and had to see dentist a lot...
PS- may the soul of lady rest in peace amen.

AS said...

In India, health is neglected. Two major reasons -
The doctors are few, and unfortunately many of them take it as a business. They lack the thorough depth. Its just not the doctors to blame. A thorough checkup is costly for most of the common Indians. There are no insurance packages, and even if it is there, thats cumbersome and costly.
Lack of awareness, and that is also due to the belief that you should go to the doctor only when you feel some thing is wrong. Again economic sense has a role here.
The personal touch from the doctors also is missing. They are aware of the fact that people will always be there in their clinics, even if they do not put that extra effort.

ManPreet Kaur said...

hi harman

very nice blog dear... keep smile

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A.G.Krishnan said...

Yes, ppl have 2b careful towards their health which is normally ignored till it becomes disaster.

dr.antony said...

As a doctor I would agree that some amount of care is beneficial.Like knowing your blood pressure,lipid profile,checking for diabetes,keeping weight and a regular eating and exercise pattern.
But there is no need to get obsessed with these.I have seen some people checking their weight every day in grammes,as if they are weighing gold.My life and experience have taught me that many things in life are beyond our hands.That doesn't mean we have to be negligent.