Friday, December 2, 2011

love evaporates??

 (most of blogs are on real life and incidents ...only names I change to protect the personal ids,these blogs are not meant to hurt or offend anyone ..)
its sad to see relationships break or love evaporates...
I was at school on parent teacher was an open house...
A beautiful girl  crying standing against wall(I guess so that nobody could see her)..
I asked Anita (one of the parents)... who is she? why is she crying??
Anita said" she is a mom of these twins (girls) and her Ex-husband is here too ..."
I looked at the corner ...where Anita pointed out ..there was this guy reading news paper..very calm n quite...
First I couldn't believe such a young girl mom of twins and then this guy who was sitting has a blue eye ..looked like some kinda accident..which left a mark..
Anita said"she is upset to see her Ex-husband..and dint want him to come here to school..."
 Looking at the twins when I go to school now...I don't understand what went wrong and what is  fault of these kids when parents go for divorces or separation have a disturbed childhood are the one who suffer the most,its sad!!
..the same girl who was crying would have married some time back happily taking the vows and having dreams of all kinds... now what happened??they got  exhausted ..hate each other? have big egos.. I mean can't they sacrifice their big egos for these cute little girls?
Is life to move on?? jus forget the past ..and keep yourself happy as long as we live?
Another example...
I was at store shopping in the mall ...a lady maybe in early thirties... was standing next to me looking at the same dress... A guy came a looked at her started talking crap like " you B**** ..never ever enter my house or try to steal my kid... F**** ..I looked at her ..tears trickled down she was quite... 
before he could be more abusive she took her cell out"I m gonna call the cops right are harassing me" 
I saw the guy ran out and slammed the door hard!!
people in the store were all looking at her...such a shameful act ..publicly by this guy!!
she turned and went to wash-room...
I was surprised as to why people cant stand each other...the same people who were in love before...

so much hatred!! love flies out of the window?is it such a temporary thing ??or do we live in temporary world where nothing is stationary...?


Uma said...

I have a friend who faces similar issues.. her husband hits her when he loses his temper.. seeing this her 4 yr old kid does the same to his Mom whenever he is upset..

and surprisingly, my friend argues with me why does not my child learn all the good things what we teach him..

we need to be very careful around kids. I feel kids learn what they see and are more curious to do things they are told not to..

Rachna said...

Oh well, relationships are complex. Who are we to judge that it is egos that brought them apart? It could be millions of things which tears down a relationship. I have a contrary view. It is better for kids to be brought up in a home with love and peace than a place where they witness ugly battles between their parents.

Renu said...

its very sad to see..but the second guy's behaviour is or dont love, but such beaviour shouldnt be there.

Jack said...


Read 3 posts now as our net was not working for almost 3 days. Please give a hug from my side to Kevin for his such a sweet gesture. God bless him with all the happiness. I agree that we all have to grow old and it is a must the we accept this fact to grow gracefully. This one shows how relationships get sour, may be due to small issues. To me it seems that such persons marry without giving proper thought as to what is needed to make relationship healthy. Could be it is just infatuation but they feel it was love or may be lust. Ego is the topmost killer of relationships. One should have self respect but not be egoistic.

Take care

Rajeev Panchhi said...

This is really very serious problem!

Mishilicious Mishi said...

ah love this song..I have a frend from broken family..he was miserable ..this separation thing left some really serious wounds on her soul..his personality got complicated..I wish parents could understand this before they decide they cant live together anymore! said...

its very sad!!
hitting n Domestic violence!!kids learn frm parents..and this legacy goes on forever!!!
:( said...

whatever the case maybe!!
the question is suffer and parents ultimately look for their comfort...
then frm new relationships other kids come in picture..which again creates problems!!
kids frm separation have disturbed childhood! said...

I agree!!
he seemed to be pissed of for a reason! said...

@uncle jack
I will convey the message,,,I agree..most of times its ego that kills! said...

thanks.. said...

I agree!! said...

I agree..parents shld try not to go separation if not required.. and try to sort out their differences..
place your kids before you!

ಅಶ್ವಿನಿ/ Ashwini said...

Hmmm its sad to see parents go part leaving the children in a difficult situation to go through.

There is a new add on tv which says that children ape their parents. That is where they learn from ... So be careful when you have kids around.

Destination Infinity said...

The seed for separation is sown when one partner decides to dominate over the other.

Damanpreet said...

Beautiful writings Harman...I liked them...

Damanpreet said...

Beautiful....Loved you writings...Has a very deep understanding...:)