Thursday, October 29, 2009


Friends are known to be helping hands,or trouble shooters or,maybe angels......
But not everyone ...sometimes we are mistaken as things are misinterpreted and realities are different ... I had always very few good friends,those I know personally and few online, those I don't know, but seem to be fairly good...
Its always the experience that makes us wise and tells us not to commit the same mistake again...
I had locked my Id ,pictures and stopped chatting with everyone ,some of my friends are very annoyed as I am never online,I think I am a better ,more organized and much wiser from my past experience...
Pictures I have locked as everyone is asking...I think I am better off without pictures ...but profile picture needs to their ,so I had put one I don't believe in fake pictures..
ID I have locked ,as already friends list is too long and seriously I don't need anymore friends unless its my relative from India..
My helping hands are my few friends online or some I know through orkut (females) I talk over the cell..I can trust,and those I can look forward if I need some help!!!
Yes there has been instances ...which made me do this ..but its good for me ,I think this was a message to discriminate between .........................a friend.

1 comment:

zeenusingh said...

yes ,u did rght thing,waise be eh chatting ek bimari