Friday, September 17, 2010

what do you say?

(this is not anu's picture)

..I met ANU last week at a party ...Quite a stunner..... ..I met her almost after six months...(she resembles the girl on the picture here)
we had a game at the pool table..I had some time to talk to we started on a personal note..
I asked what happened to your IDs on social networking sites..
she has deleted all her IDs on these sites...but many of her friends are there in my frds we had a discussion..,she said
..its ..very time consuming..and any guy you talk wants a commitment..which I cannot afford to do right now!!
I know many guys personally also but ..I have my preferences which I need to see before I go for a commitment ..I am personally a very practical person..I have my set of needs which I think needs to be taken care off ,before starting a
I asked ,like What?
Anu is couple of years younger to me.....
..She said..Hermen"the Guy has to be tall at least six feet if not more,she is five eight..
he has to be attractive if not good looking ...complexion can be wheatish..I was smiling looking at her..he has to be educated least an engineer ..Doctor would be even better...
Its not I am looking for money..only ..he has to be grounded..clean habits..any Indian..guy!! my parents are open, if sikh, it has to be clean shaven ....she is a sikh too..
I cannot live in joint family ,so ...and I eat no vegans...
he should have a house of his own ,a decent Lexus, Ferrari would be better....I don't mind Benz also..:)I looked at her ..she was seriously telling me while playing the pool...
At these social networking sites there are ..only people who are idle!!the Rich and successful consume their time on work and making money!
I asked her do you drink? she said occasionally...and would prefer who drinks occasionally too.. not a drunkard!!or a teetotaler
Anything else, I asked her...she looked at me and laughed loudly ..blushingly..she asked "you have someone in mind"for me
I said ,NO...not at least in this life...its not possible...
she asked.. why?
You have to step down dear!!I told her
and compromise on something....
she said ok...then ..I will compromise..
..He has to be Rich for sure...
..he has to be educated....
LEXUS will do....I am not interested in Benz
..From US FOB
(Fresh off the Boat)
..tall ,at least Six feet.....
Anu said....I think these are pretty reasonable demands...

...what do you say??


Uma said...
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Bikram said...

Good luck to her... and best wishes..
I would really like to know who she ends up marrying or living with hmmm said...

@ would be a miracle...I didnt want to offend her so..didnt say much..but ...wanted to see how people react to this!!

@Bikram..yes..that will be the end result!!we would like to see!!

Sahithi Pallavi said...

All the very best to her.. :)
Hope he will soon get the man with her expectations.

zeenusingh said...

I think its Anureet your talkin abt,right ?I wud say ,she has evry rgt to look for guy she wants,I mean when all guyz can ask for dowry and what not,I read your DEAL blog ,why this is not possible?? aree kyon nahi..sabko beautiful partner pay the price,why only females shld suffer.
Hey hermen ,remember the adds we had in india abt..matrimonial columns,Blah blah blah as guy is NRI or Doctor,I mean if a girl says the same thing why so much fuss??
I am sure she will get even better then she is asking for.

Anonymous said...

Well i would suggest life is not all about material possessions is more about emotional possessions...
But still I would like to wish her all the very best...
Plz do share when she finds her Mr. Right.

Haddock said...

Tell her that I know of a person who fits the bill, but he is already taken. :-)
Now don't even try to guess who it is.

Haddock said...

On a serious note, I will tell you a story about a friend of mine who looked for a match for his son on the same lines as above.
Every thing was a perfect match, the religion, the cast, the money, the status, the height of the girl, the colour, the horoscope, the status in the biradiri, there was nothing left out. But he (nor the groom) ever bothered to look at the PERSON. The person to whom his son was going to get married to.
The result? Now after four years, both sides are preparing for a divorce. (fighting it out in the court) The girl and her family slapped a charge of dowry harassment against the boy and his family.
Did the boy and family do it? No.
Then what happened ? Simple, they never bothered to see the PERSON (and the family) that they were getting their son married to. said...

@sahithi pallavi..
lets hope so!!

@Zeenu..ya its same Anureet you saw in my frds list,I agree partially with you too..that everybody has a freedom of speech and right to choose..but Family values are important too..I actually didnt like her being sidelining the indian traditions...
abt joint family and other stuff...I jus mean to say you cannot love somebody on condition's it has to be naturally!!
And other thing..if read haddock s point of view..what if..the guy she marries ..doesnt care for her?
I mean its part of a package deal think..first priority is the Guy has to down to earth person with family if she gets it its a bonus!!:D

@rolling stone ..yep Agree on your comment!

@Haddock ..:P
it a everyone!!

Amrit said...

I think she find one. In all honesty. She is not asking for too much. A clean shaven Sikh US doctor or Engineer who drives Lexus. Most of them look for beautiful tall girls. She will consider a lot of them handsome.

Raj - Only name sake !! said...

Too many dreams!

We must dream but it should align with reality in few cases like marriage etc..

And.. the photograph is of an Indian actress Tamanna. (Iam currently die hard fan of her ;)) nice pic!

Amrit said...

@People who think she is expecting too much:-

How is she expecting too much?

1. Lexus is a common car in the USA. Almost 30% Indians drive Lexus.

2. Why would someone marry a person who drinks too much?

3. Why would a girl marry someone who is shorter than her?

4. Rich is pretty subjective too.

By the way, I am saying all these, because I know few clean shaven 6 feet tall guys who drive BMW/Lexus etc and pretty rich. They would happily marry the girl in the picture.

Kavita Saharia said...

Well Good Luck to her !Hope she gets what she wants.And one needs to be careful what one wants.
For people of her likes--If only a partner could be designed and customized as easily as a blogger template with a preview option !

Pesto Sauce said...

Mah...all beauties are so obsessed with themselves that they never spare a thought for regular guys like me