Sunday, November 1, 2009

trick OR treat!!!

Last night while ..trick or treating ... in the sub-division ..had whole bunch of kids with me ..we went to neighbourhood for candy's....and lots of kids coming to our house..So I decided hubby should stay at home ..for answering the door...
The kids.." God"all kind of Beasts..on my way ...and parents dressed up in different costumes..its was kind of hilarious..
I was in my regular black jeans and decided to wear my black Matrix jacket and get a feel of Keano it was cold outside ..with fall season, leaves falling all over it a feel of "One Scary Night"
The haunted house I entered .. the kids backed out and started the path was full of smoke,..tried to be a Dare Devil..I took a step forward..there was a Giant size Ghost sitting on the chair.. with a bowl of eyeballs next to him may be his favorite snack,I stared at the ghost.. it Moved!!.I turned back and started running..Hey,wait ..I am the owner ..he started laughing..I came back he gave candy's to us..I thought..(people are sick)as we came out of the house I saw two injured people in front of me.. teenagers.. bandages all over the body broken leg ..crutches under arms...I said what happened to them? was actually costume ..and crutches were props.Weird!!
Well the overall experience was scary.. I thought the end year..Ghosts will be very happy today..seeing this kinda celebration...

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