Friday, December 3, 2010



My previous post was not meant to upset was just a thought ,but a reality of human life..a song which has a deep meaning in every way...
Pangs of parting  is hard for everyone,but a General rule where girls have to leave their parents and settle in other family..after marriage as per Indian have an upper hand here..think if tables are turned ..then?? what if boys have to leave their parents and settle with girls family?would you be able to sacrifice and adapt in an alien world :) then?? leave all your habits and choices and take care of the family whom you just came to know a month or a year back??
Hard to sink inn?same way with girls..BUT..
I think when God made women he had given one big quality to her and that was "patience"..
God Bless!!


Amrit said...


Personally I think guys can easily go and live in wife's house. I don't believe they mind. :))

However these days, nuclear family is the way where both guy and gal stay at a new it does not matter anymore.

But I agree mostly females have more patience. My wife does have more patience than I do...

Don't wish to start Mars vs. Venus on a Friday night....have to spend weekend happily. said...

@A..SURE :)

Shrikrishna Meena said...

You scared me, It is really very hard to live life while following rule and regulations of others....
Today is the world of total Freedom...

Everyone Wants to live freely but These cant be neglected that gals were really good in controlling their emotions and have a big power of setting themselves as according to conditions.

As per my views solution of these problem is couples can stay at new place but I'm still a bachelor (LOL).

Bikram said...

Patience is a virtue which we seldom have in and around us :)

and u shud not feel about upsetting anyone this is ur blog, you shud write what u want to when u want to..

i still am old school so i dont think i will be comfortable being a ghar jamai or staying in the girls house.. thats an honest opinion moreover Havnot had that situation Dont know how i wud react in that situation ...

i do agree with that women have more patience and its really a big deal that they leave everything behind ot go to a strange house


Anonymous said...

I agree that girls have more patience than guys (in general!!) but I - a girl - have minimal, close to zero, patience in me... another thing that you need - I think - is a mature attitude to understand everyone's different diverse nature and then adapt your unique nature to win their hearts! Not a lot of guys can do that... but that doesn't mean no one can do it...

and I agree with Bikram... this is your blog you have every right to say what you feel like... "Freedom of Speech" remember... and it wasn't to hurt anyone it just refreshes everyone's memory about the parents who sacrifice their sleep, desires, everything to give us idiots the best upbringing...

I think you just reminded everyone how precious they are!!

- Mannat!

Anonymous said...

I think it all depends on our mentality. If guys are forced to go and settle with girl's family,they too will do. They will learn patience then. Patience is not an inborn trait but conditioned to our mind and thoughts from the moment we start reacting. Girls are as good or as bad as guys but girls are not given a choice many times.

According to our social norms it should be always the girl who gives in.

I am happy that I have only 2 girls, they cannot feel that I am partial to their brother since they dont have one... said...

@shrikishanmeena..yes..most of the indian families look for joint families which is the part of Indian tradition,thats how it goes....

@Bikram..thanks made me feel good..everyone was cribbing so I thought shouldn't have picked up any kind of touching topic...that hurts anyone!
as a whole discussion,I personally feel..guys should not be "Ghar jamai" (stay at home son-in-law)as I always heard since childhood some phrases LOL my brothers used to utter in their weird punjabi slang so...I would never agree on that!!
Women has lot of patience I always saw my mom so kind and Dad was in Army he was strict and disciplined person thou very loving and mom came from different atmosphere never complained and adapted to Army life very well!!
I adapted myself with an FRI guy and took up the same kind of lifestyle...but we had many similarities same Army backgrounds of relatives AND both our grandparents have lived in one village at one place onetime so things were little easy for me!!

@blogger girl..thanks dear..yes patience comes with maturity..if I look seven to eight years back my temper flared up with tiniest little issue...and being impatient ..but now if I see I have more tolerance ..
Mannat..we all were like you..Zero tolerance ..I was like ..u utter a word and I will kill you..but its with age we get wisdom and tolerance! r fine dear! :)

@Stranger..May be ..if tables are turned but I think guys if they stay at girls house..the house will be like a WAR-ZONE :) said...

@bikram...Sorry ..its an NRI GUY..not FRI guy!!there is a mistake in there!!!

dr.antony said...

With all the talks on equality,I still believe women have tougher days.Men often do not have to leave their homes.For the girl,it is really difficult to a totally strange world.Often the test of her patience!

"Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake"
Victor Hugo.

Writing Buddha said...

Even boys have patience mam..

Anonymous said...

Its indeed a big deal on the gal's part to leave everything behind,
but you can't be so very gender specific about "patience",
its something which is natal.
At times you come across gals with zero patience level and boys with very high level.

Anyways you write really well, and it shows what you have personally experienced.

Bikram said...

I understood that .. not that DUhhhhh he hehehe

and FRI v theek hi hai .. FOREIGN returned indian .. he he hehe :)

how u doing and has Mr. Nri come back home or still in canada ... said...

..@bikram..ha haaa....I know understood!...he is still in CANADA..hope this is the last month!!!then he will be back soon!:) said...
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A.G.Krishnan said...
