Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Leisure.....or constant Rush!!!

Our lives are governed by time and we don’t have a moment to look at the simplest and the most wonderful things that the world offers amid all our tensions and worries.
Today morning, I was contemplating if this is what life is? We rush to office? We rush to complete our work? We rush to take credit for everything good that happens with us? We strive to impress our boss, colleagues and peers. It seems everyone’s in a constant state of “rush”.

Recession and job insecurity has further added to our worries and we have simply lost our self-belief and the 'old' feeling “to do something” which we had when we began our career!

We should keep worries aside and think, if we could do it once we can do it again. A job loss or business loss is not the end of life. Life begins with the moment when WE THINK WE CAN!

An absolutely wonderful poem where the poet tells us how the life is full of stress and hard work , getting up early in the morning where the nature is at its best but we don't have time to stand and stare at this creation created by God...Everything is there,,but its the human nature and life style where does not permit to take care this ...

what is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.


Dharmjit said...

well said,our life is going on a rapid pace and we indulge ourselves always in worries and think like that we are the worst man on this planet.and we don ot enjoy the simple yet joyful moment of life

zeenusingh said...

life is so stressed out it said very well we have not time to enjoy the nature.

Bikram said...

Excellent.. and truly said Life begins when you say YES I CAN and then go for it With all heart and sincerity...

nice blog ...