Wednesday, December 1, 2010


 We had first snowfall today....official winters has been declared by mother nature....its freezing outside...small cotton flurry's was in the drive way when I started my car...the day is gloomy,no sun....quite and cold ...(I hate this weather)I am more of a sunshine person....should be in California or Florida...But unfortunately in Michigan...I remember a proverb" you always get what you deserve, and not what you want"

 (kelly Booke )

..hard gymming these days as past weeks we had lot of parties going on one after another..I usually doze off nowadays when at home watching TV or reading...with so much physical exercise and hard to keep up sometime...
I always felt that a women should be fit ...Indian women lacks in that...usually when they reach thirty or after marriage they give up...they think after marriage they should look and feel big!!Guys also the same thing..they give up too ..happy with married life ,no need for hard maintenance ....its a mental block among many Indians..
...merely walking or jogging doesn't help..unless its Yoga or gym with the exercises of upper and lower body............
Usually I hit gym in the morning where I  usually see senior citizens occupying the place...hard to believe with snow outside how they manage to come ...they are usually over the age of sixty ...some may be even seventy or eighty...its unbelievable...but its always the dedication required....Gaining weight is very easy...when it comes to working out ..its killing ,then one realises not to get into fried or unhealthy stuff....
 DAD always says"any thing that is very very tasty or a total YUM is not very healthy"the ingredients added to make it YUM will be fat or cream or sugary stuff!
...Recently I was looking at the wedding pictures that was posted by one of cousins from India ...shocked to see how profiles change without maintenance...its always self motivation  to keep oneself fit and healthy..
Dedication is another name of this ...but sometimes ..this gymming becomes obsession....I have seen height of madness in gym..that makes me laugh...
I was in gym today..working out...I saw a beautiful female entering and finally started running on tread mill...perfect ten on her waistline...will put Mallika Sherawat to shame.....I looked at much energy ....and flexibility ....I quietly increased my level on elliptical ..she motivated me....
later when I asked her and complimented....she smiled ..and said.."this is Jenifer"...I love working out...all my pregnancy I worked out and now my baby is jus twelve weeks old..but I want to get back to shape and fit into all my old clothes...I was actually surprised to see her so fit..after the baby...she was stay at home mom!!I asked her "did ya gain any weight"? she said "jus the baby 's weight and and five pounds over"I was impressed.....
I had seen before also many people coming with infants to gym ..(the gym supports a day care)...but this dame was impressive...
I think the best investment if any  exercising regularly ..I mean gym..ming..keeping yourself fit and healthy with minimal medical prescriptions in future and eating everything but in moderate quantity!


Bikram said...

sure what ur dad says what is very very tasty or total yum is always bad for health..

indeed self motivations is a very hard thing.. hope I get it tooo :) i se need it

Amrit said...

Indian men also don't is an Indian phenomenon..not Indian women. It is changing though.

Is that your picture in the post?

Amrit said...

By the way, Bikramjit goes to gym for exercise and .....(I will let him fill in the blanks) have those two words in your post. said...

@A..ha haaa..are u kidding ?my picture...its Kelly Brooke..not my picture...I didn't put my picture Coz I don't want to give tough competitions to all those VS models out there!!
YO :)

@Bikram..Dude..think about that six pac...fab will motivate you!!
start today...get a membership...and there you go!!
what say??? said...

@A..ha haaa..Bikram gym for exercise and Bird watching...for sure..

Amrit said...


Hahaha. I am so glad you wrote it..hahaha..I am happy and relieved.

Relieved because I was not 100% sure if I should write that. I know Bikramji would not mind (because it is true) but did not know you well. Now I know you better....

First time my wife went to gym, she canceled my membership...

Writing Buddha said...

U have motivated me too.. Ill start gymming. its my age .. still I am not doing it. will start from now.

And mam.. One more thing I would like to point out which may increase the level of your blog. Stop typing number of dots after few words. Write like a good written thing. It will make your blog look little less lengthy and it will make your posts look good.. u have seen mine. hai na? hmm..

wats say? said...

@abhilash..ok..buddy got ur point..I will do that..thanks..for ur suggestion and I will try to apply in my next post!

Haddock said...

Agree with you on the Indian mentality of not taking care of oneself especially after marriage.
In my teens I always used to wonder "Oh my God he was a good sportsman and now he can't even run 10 meters"
I promised myself that I would not be one like "them" A reason why I still go to the Gym, join my son and his gang in a round of Basketball (must admit the stamina is not the same as it used to be) Recently got my wife also to join the Gym (under our Co's corporate plan scheme) We have Yoga thrice a week in the Gym and I tell you that itself is good enough.

Anonymous said...

Hey Harman:

I do agree that "gyming" is really good for your health and physique... I even have a membership for a gym... Issue is I haven't seen the inside of the building in 2 years!

With me it's always... I'll go in the morning on my way to work... get energetic... and I bail out... then I think I'll go in the evening on my way home... by that time I'm too tired and I bail out again... then it came to a point where I was convincing myself that it would be enough to only go over the weekends! Well guess what happened then...

Well, let's just say we all need higher motivation... I'm thinking of putting pictures up everywhere of fit-physiqued models... but then I have another concern... people may take that the wrong way! ;-) you know what I mean!!

I wish I could get motivated and go "gymming" regularly!! said...

@blogger girl...Mannat..its only in the morning you can go..Coz end of the day we are very tired after work wants to just its out of question...try getting up early and hit gym..make it a routine...its not simple just needs some motivation and company too..wish you were here we cud have gone together..wud have been FUN :)
good luck.. said...

@haddock..Yep..I agree...exercising is helps to stay fresh all day and builds stamina..I personally feel so relaxed after workout...its fun too..trying different machines and equipment...I have done lot of aerobics too came to almost zero size :)but hubby was not very happy with my Model kinda physique so gained some weight..basically..its to be healthy and good looking!!

bollywoodstylediaries said...

Yup, exercising is so important nowadays as lives are getting more and more sedentary and food portions getting bigger!! said...

@bollywooddaires..thanks dear!livin in US we all know how it works ..with portion size..and waist size,but still very few are fit!

Bikramjit Singh Mann said...

Yes indeed and why not.. you see you need motivation to pick all that weight and what more then the beautiful BIRDS out there :) he he hehe

Bikramjit Singh Mann said...

and sorry no six pack.. One pack is good and i got a BIG ONE PACK... he he heh
and what two works you guys making fun of me for :) said...

@bikram...I was wondering why you didnt get back..after reading those hilarious comments??
good to see you here..again ,see we know our friend so well ..and were even sure about it why he goes to gym??!!
ha haaa haaa.its actually "A" started pulling your leg...

dr.antony said...

Genetics has a major role on your stature.Indian women grossly put on weight after delivery and totally lose shape.During the post natal period we also have the trend of giving concoctions of various kinds.All added together,makes the women obese and shapeless.The new generation appear to be little different. said...

@Dr..Anthony..I agree..but Indian women needs lot of motivation in US too..their behavior and attitude towards fitness is all the way taken from their mom!!

Anonymous said...


You're just like me! Seeking inspiration from people you see in daily life. That is so amazing!!! said...

@Nilu..yes exercising is always through inspiration which comes from great's how it goes!!

Shrikrishna Meena said...

Didn't read the post but the lady in the photo is really beautiful.... said...

@shrikrishna meena...okay..well..What shld I say ??.I would be happy if you had said .."I read the post and liked it" :)