Wednesday, February 16, 2011


we were at a was with some close friends..and some relatives..after dinner we had singing programme and everbody settled on the carpet...
men one side and ladies on other...the game was all couple had to answer each other in a form of a song...
we had one couple who had some ongoing problems in their relation ship..we all knew about it was mrs B's turn to sing a song for her husband which was" Tumko Piya Dil diya"and everbody smiled at this song..
when it came to Mr B...he sang this song in reply..."man mera ehsan "which was hilarious...I some how managed to locate these songs......
this is what happens when relationships gets sour!.( it happened at a valentine party)


Amrit said...

Second one makes more sense...

A.G.Krishnan said...

I just heard both songs. Lovely !

Shady West Side said...

hahahhahah.....awesome songs

Bikram said...

:) he he ehe

nice songs though.. why do relations go sour .. if only people talk :)


Shabby said...

pretty funny indeed! said...

@A SURE....
all men would say that!


@shahid..seems you really like it :)

@bikramjit...well...answer to it is marriage!
its kinda ..adjustments..lovingly!!

@shabana thanks!!