Thursday, February 3, 2011

....storm and after.......

 the storm started like you can see....fine grains..accompanied by wind chill.....
my car within fifteen minutes after parking in the driveway.....
next hubby clearing the path and driveways....shovel,snow blower ,salt..anything that works!!!

the main porch also had snow...which is very rare ....since its all covered.....
this is the fair idea one can get....its the main road...but its all snow...thou the city has cleaned it!
thats the way to my house and front door......imagine the snow!!!
thats my hubby helping our neighbor who is seventy year old guy cleaning his driveway!
my poor mail deserted it looks!!!
...the bushes all covered with snow ...looked like frosted cup cakes........

there is still lots of snow on curbs and side walks....though major highways are clean but still lot to be done ...once again thanks to all of you and your comments.....luckily everything was good power outage or any-kind of is back to normal...But that experience of watching the storm till 2am was awesome situation changed from ..very calm an absolute storm with windchill's and tons of snow....mother nature showed us its role and its domination...all schools and offices were closed....there was no traffic...I took my car out in the evening to see what was going on...But it was absolutely quite....very slippery and most of the places were closed.....
today its very sunny say..lots of sunshine...everything is normal But with the snow all over the place it has lot of can easily go blind while driving...if you are not wearing sun glasses :)


Tanvi said...

Though I hear it is REALLY cold all over the AMerican Continent ... I am glad I live in Texas ;P This looks HARSHH!!!

Amrit said...

Glad you are doing okay. Stay home as much as possible and try to enjoy.

Bikram said...

Lovely pics but not so good weather..

How you doing and the kids ...


Anonymous said...

Glad to know you are okay... Nice captures!

Mannat's World...

Thinking said...

hmmm....nice to read that everything is okay at your end...

Keep writing and take care !


Shabby said...

We still have snow lying around the house from previous storms, but your hubby is doing a good job shoveling!
hope you guys stay warm indoors!

Anonymous said...

Pictures are really great.... I only got to see such things in pictures only....:(
I know its harsh but still ...I wanna experience all that, so much of snow once in my life.It looks so very awesome.

And your hubby has made your patio table so very attractive...Kudos to his creative mind. said...

@tanvii..ur texas..hope its not that bad! home after work..its very slippery still! are fine..they didnt come out for obvious no picha of them

@@mannat..thanks dear..hope you r was bad in toronto too!

@thinking...thanks dear!

@shabana...Ya..snow was there previously..this jus got accumulated!

@rolling stone...its very very bad out here..the picha might be good with snow and surroundings..but its very cold single digit! hubby makes every occasion memorable with his creativity...

dr.antony said...

What all we have said, with all the apprehension, still it looks so lovely!sheakshi said...

@DR anthony..lovely..only in pics..its a pain!otherwise!!