Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No Excuses....

 (these are all my personal thoughts and I have worked on it...it brought many changes in me and my professional life....it has helped me a lot...I am sharing it with you....)

 Most of the time we meet people who  give vague excuses its kinda inexplicit which is sometimes hard to believe...Lame Excuses of all kind and most of the time I think What for? these excuses..you are not fooling anyone but yourself....
....can never reach their destiny ...the hidden potential will never come out,its not an excuse but creating hurdles for yourself...all lame excuses..Gawd!! no apparent reason jus to show that they are good but  misfortunes can be with anyone...No ,its not a misfortune but our own weakness to hide our faults and try to convince others by all these lies..think!!!....does your conscience agree??... to this..Look around see how many people are  successful with similar qualities ,or education or  age...you will find many ,but you are not in that category..Cuz of your excuses...
 its all those excuses made you lethargic ,Dumb and completely ignorant that these excuses leads to a path called HELL....Rejection is faced,self discipline is lacking .Abusing others,criticizing or mocking ...shows how frustrated this person is,when you cannot reach your goal you consider others responsible for it,even your own parents...But its actually you!! that needs lot of spanking!

when there is a self discipline and no room for excuses ..motivation begins....there will be no chances of errors and efforts of all kinds to be made to reach the deadlines.Most of the time positive approach and taking full responsibility of every work...leads them to lead the team...
when people avoid your company ,or feel you are a big slob..
its time to realize yourself something is wrong...its never too late...
take out all the negative energies and feel fresh....no room for excuses remember that... ..working out religiously!!nobody is perfect in this world,try over to overlook and make your weaknesses  as biggest strength ..try to be winner overpowering the biggest problems...
..Talking to yourself..
pinpoint the biggest mistakes you have done at a particular situation and its results...(never forget that)chalk it down on the scale of ten...ten being worst and one being best...
try to overcome the situation next time by your previous experience and face the problem confidently...
show your resentment publicly if asked..for your opinion otherwise be quiet and no need to get into any unhealthy argument take a leave if it bothers you too much...be focused and try to see your goal rather then getting into any frustration of any kind!it brings negative energy....
try to help others...now this may sound rude...but work on it and solve the problem, don't bring it home...it will bring all other troubles with it..its a FACT!!
look at the wider picture of your dreams...and get a feel of it more often which helps you to come near to that reality....sending messages..constantly as off when it has to be done ..keep a target...
whether its money,getting out of debts, gf,wife, all luxuries of life.....YOU WILL ACHIEVE IT!!!
 it comes to those folks who focus on their dreams and get to work, no excuses and no exceptions. If that’s not you right now, you can make changes that will bring you the success you deserve right now. What have you done recently to eliminate excuses from your daily life.


Shady West Side said...

Hey nice set of tips there harman...you know I have been doing a few of these myself and you know I was doing well at work but never felt good about it...now it feels better....but I guess there is more to try

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post... I think we give excuses to satisfy our own self. And I agree, when people avoid our company, then we have to re-check our attitude for betterment, there is no shame to accept own fault.

Bikram said...

So true harman and very good advice ..

I always beleive that if you want to be somewhere you got to DREAM.. and then to fulfill htat DREAM you got to work hard and then once you reach hard you put in a bit more effort ...

I also beleive that if you use fair means t oreach it will get you there maybe slowere but you will reach there.. and SELF motivation is very difficult but if you can do it then half the battle is won ...


A.G.Krishnan said...

Is it possible for everyone to reach Goal ?

GardenLane said...

Could not have said it better. I am 100% with you on this.

I have a printout jsut above my office table: "did you do your best today?", and I read it at the end of the day, and I know, what I could have done better. No one is perfect, but striving to do better in professional, personal and social life, can definately show better results in long term.

You blogs are inspirational. Thanks for sharing your thoughs.

Raj - Only name sake !! said...

what a nice post! really inspiring!

Just showed one of the mistake I do sometimes is to say excuses , and its true that I am cheating myself!

Nice, insightful!!

Thinking said...

hmm....I strongly believe that giving excuse may take the destiny away...

Sometimes..it is true that whatever we do it turned out that we have done it wrong...

Even than...we should keep aloof from the excuses...

Nice post by the way !

hamaarethoughts.com said...

@stranger...why everyone is not successful.....
my question to you?
ANS:its hard to follow this routine ..its not as easy as its read or written here..people forget the basic commandments and again into pitfall..
each and every rule has to be followed seriously ...without ifs and buts..many are not able to do...some shine ,few excel!
everyone has a different temperament..so goals are achieved according to efforts!

@shahid..yes..its not easy and we forget at times...keep trying !!

@Bikram..read "The secret"..and then try it!

@Gardenlane..thanks..yes I agree to that!

@Raj..yes..we all have one or other flaw..but its never too late!

@thinking..thanks..I agree.its true..excuse takes away the opportunities!

bollywoodstylediaries said...

great post. It does require a strong will to do all these:-)